De Nora Receives New IMO Type Approval for BALPURE Ballast Water Management System

De Nora, a global leader in the delivery of sustainable technologies, announced that its BALPURE® Ballast Water Management System (BWMS) has received the Type Approval certificate as per resolution MEPC.300 (72) (the BWMS Code) from the UK’s Maritime and Coast Guard Agency (MCA). This certification was officially approved at the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) Marine Environment Protection Committee’s 75th session (MEPC 75).
All vessels requiring the installation of a BWMS must comply with the BWMS Code after 28 October 2020. The G8 standard for BWMS was revised in light of operational and regulatory compliance concerns raised by stakeholders during the experience building phase of IMO ballast water regulations. The standard was tightened to increase the reliability of systems and provide shipowners with greater confidence. While the De Nora BALPURE system has always met these standards, this new certification enables shipowners to continue to use De Nora’s BALPURE system in confidence.
BALPURE systems meet IMO and USCG Type Approval rules and has been granted type approval by Lloyd’s Register as per the BWMS Code. The system uses a unique slip stream treatment approach to simplify installations while allowing the system to comfortably operate in all water conditions. Alongside the system’s self-cleaning electrodes, BALPURE represents easy compliance.
Matt Granitto, General Manager at De Nora Marine Technologies, said: “We are delighted to have officially received the new TA as per the Code. Our dedicated team of engineers has worked hard to ensure our systems have always met these new, higher standards for BWMS and had already passed rigorous pre-approval tests from Lloyd’s Register without modification. As a company, we will always strive to deliver confidence and easy compliance for shipowners.”