Innovation & technology News

Elastec’s MediBurn May Play A Part In The Ebola Fight

August 15, 2014

Carmi, Ill. – Elastec/American Marine Sales Manager Jeremy Pretzsch has been busy fielding inquiries about MediBurn, a portable medical waste incinerator, as a weapon in the fight to help curb the spread of Ebola. Pretzsch recently discussed the advantages of MediBurn with a United Nations representative regarding the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia and Nigeria.

Environmentally safe, compact, portable, and simple to use, MediBurn is a diesel-fueled incinerator for the disposal of infectious and pathological waste in remote locations. It is a practical and affordable solution for hospitals and clinics in developing countries around the world. MediBurn is even being used to destroy illicit drugs and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) to prevent their entry into wastewater streams.

Brett Lee, divisional manager of Bulbeck EnvrioSolutions, an Elastec/American Marine dealer in Australia, has found an eager market among the widespread islands of the South Pacific as it is impractical, dangerous and expensive to transport medical waste for extended distances. There are between 20,000 and 30,000 islands in the South Pacific, often separated by hundreds or thousands of miles. “It’s not practical to transport waste for those distances,” Lee explained. Pretzsch said Elastec was very careful to make this unit very easy to use and very easy to maintain. The ELASTEC MediBurn is designed to last, but if a component fails, repairs are so simple that a local technician can generally take care of the problem with tech-support from Elastec, if required. This is another advantage in remote areas.

Elastec has manufactured over 600 MediBurns since their inception, and they are in use on every continent except Antarctica – and Elastec is not sure about that exception. Military services from several countries have purchased units, as well as other governmental agencies, Doctors Without Borders, police departments, healthcare facilities, corporations, even an order of Roman
Catholic nuns. Pretzsch is hopeful that the United Nations and others close to the Ebola situation will consider incorporating ELASTEC MediBurns in their medical waste disposal plans.

Jeremy Pretzsch, Sales Manager /
Linda Henning, Marketing Director /
Brian Cook, Creative Services Manager /

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