HELMEPA’s Environmental Campaign Moves to Kavala

The “Educational Community and Public Awareness Campaign on the Marine Environment, Shipping and Sciences” continues in Northern Greece with the second stop being the town of Kavala, where relevant activities will take place from 21 to 29 April 2015
The Campaign is carried out in 14 Greek towns and cities, between 2014 and 2017, with the support of Lloyd’s Register Foundation (LRF). Besides raising awareness among the school and the wider community on the themes of the Campaign, the aim of this initiative is also to inspire children in Greece to learn more about science, engineering and technology in the service of the environment and humanity.
Under the auspices of the Municipality of Kavala, the Campaign’s environmental Exhibition will be hosted at the foyer of the Kavala Regional Unit Headquarters. The inauguration will take place on Tuesday 21 April 2015, at 12:00, at the “Nikolaos Martis” Hall.
In the framework of the Campaign, HELMEPA in cooperation with the Directorates of Primary and Secondary Education of Kavala, will transport 800 primary and high school pupils from both within the city and the broader area, to visit the Exhibition. Transportation costs will be covered by the Campaign. The Exhibition will be open to the public every day between 5:30pm and 7:30pm and on weekend mornings between 10am and 1pm.
Also, on Wednesday 29 April 2015, HELMEPA in cooperation with the Directorates of Primary and Secondary Education of Kavala will run a ‘Train the Trainer’ Seminar for Teachers titled “Seas and Humans: Ensuring a Sustainable Future” at the “Nikolaos Martis” Hall.
Finally, environmental activities with the voluntary participation of schoolchildren are also being scheduled in cooperation with local stakeholders.
For further information:
HELMEPA Municipality of Kavala
Environmental Sector Mr. Vassilis Lolidis
Tel.: (+30) 210 9343088 Tel.: (+30) 2510 451303
Email: environment@helmepa.gr Email: v_lolidis@yahoo.gr