Nor-Shipping International Exhibition Updates

Nor-Shipping Exhibition is one of the most awaited events in the maritime industry. It provides a venue and an opportunity for industry players from across the world to showcase products, services and other changes that can influence the maritime and shipping future. For the year 2017, the international shipping exhibition is set to take place in Oslo.
The purpose of the Nor-Shipping international exhibition and conference is to provide a meeting place for the global maritime industry, where leaders and industry players can showcase new technologies in the market, share information and ideas and develop personal networks. The conference, on the other hand, will feature presentations and round-table discussions.
The event, which will run for four days starting on 30 May up to 2 June will be attended by ship owners and managers, Maritime organisations, port authorities, shipyards and many others.
Keynote speakers and moderators
Nor-Shipping has recently introduced its first keynote speaker Tony Seba, an author, thought leader, and expert on clean energy. One of his most well known works is entitled Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation – How Silicon Valley Will Make Oil, Nuclear, Natural Gas, Coal, Electric Utilities and Conventional Cars Obsolete by 2030.
According to Birgit Liodden, Director of Nor-shipping, Seba will inject disruptive concepts, engage and innovate the shipping environment.
“Tony Seba is an inspirational thinker and speaker, capable of tackling some of our industry’s, and the world’s, most pressing issues with ideas and insights that audiences can appreciate, remember and act upon”, she said.
As Nor-Shipping continues to compile a program of speakers and events, Seba will be joined by other well known ship owners in the coming weeks.
As for moderators, Nor-Shipping has chosen renowned intellectual and global strategist Parag Khanna, and award-winning journalist and BBC presenter Nisha Pillai. The international shipping exhibition has been known to choose only world-class moderators, and Khanna and Pillai definitely fit the bill.
Liodden said that both of them provide perfect combination of intellect and authority that can steer the event in an engaging and thought-provoking direction. They can handle with ease a diverse programme with debates and presentations.
Disruptive Sustainability Hall
The Nor-Shipping international exhibition will be held across 45,000 sq. m of exhibition space and five themed halls, with exhibition Hall A dedicated to Disruptive Sustainability, a venue that will provide event participants an immersive way to experience how the shipping and maritime industry takes a proactive approach in instituting change.
The Disruptive Sustainability Hall can be likened to Ocean Parks, but with a more pragmatic purpose, with the goal to inspire established entrepreneurs, young talents and seasoned professionals to come together and explore the shipping environment. The Hall will be dark and immersive, with a Disruptive Room, where new insights will be showcased. This will provide the stage for lectures and talks about radical technologies and solutions to take place.
The Disruptive Sustainability Hall will also feature entrepreneur pavilions and exhibitors, ocean industry podium, ocean studio, platforms for ocean opportunity pitch sessions, and a lounge area.
Nor-Shipping Awards 2017
The Nor-Shipping Awards Programme is designed to recognise individuals, groups and companies that have made major contributions to the industry. This year energy efficiency, young entrepreneurship and innovative ship design will have their own awards. Nominations for entries for the Energy Efficiency Award, Young Entrepreneur Award, and the Next Generation Ship Award are now open.
All members of the global maritime industry are invited to join the Nor-Shipping Oslo 2017.