Middle East Maritime Consultants and DECKMA HAMBURG Join Forces

The agreement states that DECKMA HAMBURG GmbH supplies MEMC with product specifications and other sales data, and may, when necessary, be prepared by DECKMA HAMBURG GmbH for use in connection with the sale of its products.
In return, MEMC will do its best to introduce and sell the DECKMA HAMBURG GmbH products within its territory, as well as provide details of product sales in the territories described together with product opportunities and the general trade conditions in the territories described.
“We are pleased to be able to offer our customers service in Lebanon and Syria and welcome our new sales & service station, Middle East Maritime Consultants, MEMC.” said Joachim Gehrt, Director Sales & Marketing of DECKMA HAMBURG. “MEMC is authorized for sales of our Instruments including the service & calibration of our 15ppm bilge alarms. We are looking forward towards a good cooperation.”
Capt. Bassem Kawtharani, the General Manager of MEMC stated that this big step will emphasize MEMC’s aim to provide unique and high level marine services to the shipping industry in the East Med Region, ensuring that MEMC will launch several packages that will match the company’s business development vision.